Jessica asked me months ago about photographing her birth. After a missed opportunity in June, I got even more excited about it as time grew closer. I was unsure at first if I would be able to do it as I had hoped for a teaching job. Since God (thankfully) had other plans for me, I was able to commit to the birth session! Sunday night, I got the text that things were in motion...after a week of constant contractions. I headed to Lynchburg and arrived a little after 10PM. Jess was in the tub, seeking some comfort, waiting for her water to break...we had no idea how many hours lay ahead...
The contractions were intense and very close together... [take notice of the clock throughout this post].
And they just kept one point they were last for 2 minutes and were only 3 minutes apart!
Jonathan was by her side the entire time! Soon the pain reached the point where Jess said "I tap out. Get me some meds!" She did so well, and considering how long her labor lasted, I'm so glad she decided to get an epidural! Her family was there to comfort her as well as popsicles:)
After 20+hours of labor, the doctor decided that it was best to do a c-section. Jess didn't dilate past an 8, and the doc didn't want her to continue to just lay there waiting. The two prepped for surgery at about 4PM. As I'm sure you know, I wasn't allowed back there for the actual "birth"...which I know was disappointing for Jess. We sent a camera back with Jonathan though, so he got some good captures:)
Headed back for the c-section...
I was waiting for them to come ready!
Here is Noah, headed to the nursery! He hadn't even had a full "bath" yet! So "fresh" to this new world!
I had to take the rest of my photos through the window...
He was flicking his tongue!
That's one proud Daddy:)
Welcome to the world, Noah James! It was a long ride! Congrats to you both, Jess and Jonathan, as well as little sister Kaylynn! I feel so honored to have shared these special moments with you! Can't wait to get your album ready! Now get rested up for the nights ahead:)
- MB