So, my husband, son, and I went over to a friends house for a Super Bowl party last night. I didn't really care who won the game...our teams weren't playing so it was just whatever. Although, we would have rather seen the 49ers pull off the win! With that said, many of us just watch the Super Bowl for the commercials and half-time show. I'm not really up for discussing the half-time show, so let's talk commercials!!
My number one fave was this one: Audi prom
I don't know about you, but if I were her, I would have left with him;) That took guts!
My inner dork came out for this one...I thought it was funny, LOL: Oreo Library Fight
This one seems to be a hit with pretty much everyone...I thought that it was rather funny...
Then there were those that tugged at your heartstrings...
This one def had some beautiful photography: Dodge: God made a farmer
And who doesn't love the Budweiser Clydesdales?! I always love these...
So which was your favorite? Feel free to comment below!