Megan Bryant Photography
Summer 2015 has definitely been one for the books...I seriously don't want it to end!! Where do I start? It's certainly been a summer of travel...I've been to NYC, Indiana, and in between:) I want to share some images from this summer's adventures, as well as just reminisce in the memories made! Back in June, I had the opportunity to travel to NYC for Senior Style Guide's Destination Shoot Out with Brooke Daniels. HOLY MOLY. It was nothing short of amazing. I took the train up to the city with my friend Katie Myrick, who is amazing, so be sure to check her out. We stayed at the Salisbury Hotel, which I recommend. The shootout was for a day, 12 noon til 2AM. It. Was. INCREDIBLE. We started in Grand Central Station, then Bryant Park, then outside of Radio City Music Hall, near fountains and ice cream trucks and everywhere in between, then had dinner at Ellen's Stardust Diner...which was FAB! The waitresses sing (like really, freakin amazing). After dinner, we headed to Times Square (around 10PM). When we left the diner, we all bought umbrellas because some rain was passing, and shot under them, through them, and with them for the rest of the night! Nothing could stop us! The models were amazing and absolute troopers. Times Square was my favorite, because it took me out of my comfort zone...and shooting in all of the lights and the crowd made people think we were famous;) Here's a few of my fave shots from NYC...
Megan Bryant Photography
Megan Bryant Photography
Megan Bryant Photography
Megan Bryant Photography
Megan Bryant Photography
Megan Bryant Photography
Megan Bryant Photography
Megan Bryant Photography
Megan Bryant Photography
Megan Bryant Photography
Megan Bryant Photography
Megan Bryant Photography
Ohhhhh such a great time. Less than a month later, I was on a plane (with Katie) headed to Senior Style Guide's PUSH Conference....put together by Vickie Black, this is the ultimate conference for senior photographers. The tickets to this year's conference sold out last year in less than 30 minutes. The seats for next year's conference went on sale today and sold out as well, but not before crashing the site! CRAZY! So, on the gorgeous DePauw campus, we went to classes, learned from the elite of the senior industry, shot styled sessions, met new people, and just ohhh so much more! It's seriously like camp for photographers....I came home renewed and ready to implement the things that I had learned. Some of those things are still in the works, but I hope to share more on that later. Here are a few of my favorite images from the conference....and I'm happy to say that I will be attending the PUSH Conference again next year!
Megan Bryant Photography
AND yes, there were smoke bombs!
And work with studio lighting:)
Megan Bryant Photography
I am so thankful for these opportunities, the friendships made, the education, EVERYTHING! August brought on more travel, but for a family beach vacation:) Everyone needs some R&R, right?! I loved the down time, and even snuck in some time for photos for my kids:)
I think that about wraps up my long post! I can't wait to see what the future holds for MBP...but I do know that I will stay true to me and the work that I want to produce.
<3 Megan