Megan Bryant Photography
It's a brand new year...2016 is here!! As if you missed the memo. I see posts everywhere about celebrations, regrets, and change. I felt the need to share my reflections on 2015 and how those reflections led me into a better business plan for 2016.
First off, the decision made years ago to specialize in seniors is THE best decision that I ever made for my business. I love working with my seniors and showing them what I see in them. SO many seniors are oblivious to how beautiful/handsome they is my pleasure to set the record straight. There is NO denying it when I'm finished with them:)
Megan Bryant Photography
Megan Bryant Photography
Last year was full of learning experiences, new opportunities, and education. The year began with me dappling in having a studio space....which only lasted 6 months. I was so excited to try something new, however, the timing was just all wrong. In the beginning, I had felt like the opportunity that had presented itself had fallen into my lap for a reason and that I had to take it and run with it! After all got started, I quickly saw that it was the wrong timing...the wrong time of year, the wrong time to spend the money on it, and the wrong space. I knew that I wanted to do more with studio work, and I still do, but that wasn't enough to convince me that it was right to continue dropping the money into something that I wasn't totally sure about. SO, I pulled out of that venture and tucked it away for another time. It was hard to pull out, and yes, I did cry about it. Why? Not because I felt like I was doing the wrong thing, but because I felt like I had failed. Looking back now, I know that I made the right decision. The next time I try a space of my own, it will be the space that I want and that fits me perfectly! Hence, the learning experience of 2015.
Megan Bryant Photography
Education is a necessary investment with any business. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to attend 2 events this year that nourished my business! The NYC Destination Shootout put together by Senior Style Guide, was seriously one of the highlights of my life! I LOVED traveling up and exploring the city with my friend Katie (of Katie Myrick Photography). Learning from Brooke Daniels was amazing... I'm still implementing tips that she provided, and I'm planning to learn from her again sometime soon!
Megan Bryant Photography
Megan Bryant Photography
I was also able to attend The Push Conference in Indiana, also put on by Senior Style Guide. Holy education BATMAN! Located on a college campus, it seriously felt like a cross between college classes and camp for senior photographers! I learned SO much, including that I did not have to kill myself to have a successful business---hence, changes coming in 2016. I have learned that I can't do it ALL and do it all WELL. So, I won't be trying to in 2016. It's ok to ask for help...this is my favorite lesson learned in 2015:)
Megan Bryant Photography
I was blessed to work with SO many seniors this past year. Getting to know them and their families is a perk of this job. Thank you all for supporting me and choosing me as your photographer! I love you all!
Megan Bryant Photography
Looking Forward:
My mantra for 2016 will be to simplify. I love things, shopping, going places, planning stuff, and just stuff in general. LOL. But stuff can often bring too much fluff. And too much fluff means I can't focus. I just want to breathe and take in the NOW, because time flies and my babies are too young for me to miss out. I want to keep my family first ahead of my business. I made steps toward this in 2015, but not quite as far as needed. Therefore, I will be saving weekends for my family. I won't be taking on weddings in 2016, and plan to shoot my seniors during the week. Ordering sessions will take place in my home, to keep me close and to cut out travel time (this isn't new). I want to be at all of my son's basketball games, take them to birthday parties and events, and enjoy Fall with them (I killed myself this past October). Breathe. Simplify.
Megan Bryant Photography
My calendar is open for 2016 bookings. If you're a 2016 senior, its not too late to book. I already have a couple of spring senior sessions on the books, so don't forget about spring blooms and the gorgeous photos to be had!
2017 seniors, NOW is the time to book. I already have seniors booking, and dates will fill fast!
2015 was a great year. 2016 will be even better, I just know it! -Megan